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Sunday 10:30am Janice Campbell

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“Peace through Spiritual Understanding”
Janice Campbell

The Christmas season is a wonderful time to delve even deeper into our heart and soul and know for ourselves the “all-encompassing Presence." In Sunday’s talk we’ll explore some of the thieves of peace and contrast them with the truth of our being. Claiming the peace that we are fills us with love and also gives us the courage to share the gift of peace with others.

Janice Campbell is a long time Unity student and teacher. Her passion is integrating spiritual principles into our everyday life to more fully experience the presence and love of God. She is the author of Receive Your Life, and Practical Wisdom for Everyday Spirituality.

The Sunday service begins at 10:30 AM (Pacific time). Those joining online are welcome to join the Zoom session as early as 10:15 AM to virtually socialize before the service.
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